digital marketing


The BIG List of Crucial Tools to Streamline Your Small Business

marketing toolkit

In the early days of social media, managing multiple accounts was a challenge for small business owners. They had to log in and log out on different platforms and create content for each channel. Then, various tools appeared that made social sharing much easier and time effective.

In some way, digital marketing was simpler back then. There were fewer platforms, less noise, and better chances of reaching your audience. Nowadays, marketing is becoming increasingly automated, and businesses need to keep pace to stay competitive. A broad variety of tools that can boost your small business’s digital presence is available now. The question is, which one should you choose?

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What These 3 Celebrities Can Teach You about Reputation Management


Celebrities! They’re just like us, right? They choose Airbnb instead of fancy hotels; they are obsessed with the same TV shows as we are, and sometimes they screw up badly. But, if most of us can get away with a nasty remark or mean comment, celebrities have to pay a lot of attention to their behavior.

Celebrities were among the first to use reputation management tactics to filter their image and control the way they are perceived by the public. And, since they’ve done a great job at it, it’s not an overstatement to say that a small business could learn a thing or two about how to tiptoe away from your mistakes with minimum harm to your reputation.

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Social Media from A to Z: 15 Crucial Terms Explained

Social Media terms

For most small business owners, creating a Vine video, using a hashtag on your Twitter caption, or creating a Facebook event and sending invites to your followers has become a daily practice. But with social media networks adding new features and updating their algorithms on a regular basis, and with new tools popping up every other day, it’s hard to keep pace. Even social media experts are having a difficult time staying up to date with all the changes and new terminology.

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How to Generate Valuable Leads Using Social Media Challenges

Social Media Challenges

Social media challenges are becoming increasingly popular. The basic idea is to engage in an action while filming yourself, then upload it to social media so other people can see it and get inspired by it (or laugh at your pain if you fail.)

For years now, big brands have been getting impressive results using social media challenges, generating tons of new leads and converting them into customers. They are a great way to generate awareness around your small business and to boost engagement in your community. But, before you jump on the bandwagon, you need to have a powerful digital marketing strategy in place. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting a lot of time, resources, and creative energy.

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The Silver Bullet Syndrome: Why Marketing Automation Is Not Enough

Silver Bullet Syndrome

Sending the right message to the right people, at the right time, and in the right way is the bedrock of good digital marketing. Unless your prospects value what you say, any attempt to engage and convert them is likely to fail.

Segmenting your prospects using the right variables allows small business owners to target their audience with relevant messages. The more targeted your message is, the more likely you are to see an increase in conversion rates.

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3 Email Automation Campaigns That Drive Leads While You Sleep

Email Automation

Picture this.

Each night, you lay your head to rest confidently that your bank balance will grow a bit in the morning.

That’s every small business owner’s dream. After all, who wouldn’t want to watch the sales roll in while they kick back and relax with a cold drink in their hands?

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You’re Doing It Wrong: How to Use Emoji to Drive More Engagement on Social Media


Can you guess what the 2015 Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year was?

It was the “face with tears of joy” emoji.

That’s right. For the first time in history, they chose an image as their word of the year. The decision might be surprising for some people, but if you think about the way we communicate, you will soon realize that emojis have become a constant in our daily digital lives.

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5 Dead Simple Ways to Generate Free Leads from YouTube

Youtube Marketing

Imagine gaining tens of thousands of leads to fuel your small business. Now imagine doing it all for free. No, I’m not crazy, and I am not pitching some shady online marketing technique to you. In fact, I want to talk about a huge opportunity many small and local business owners are ignoring.


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Human vs. Robot: How to Balance Automation with Creation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy


Here’s the frustrating Catch-22 snaring small business owners: too much automation is bad for conversion, but too little automation means a lot of money, time, and stress.

So, where exactly do you draw the line? How can you decide what’s the proper amount of automation you should use to keep your marketing personal? And, most importantly, how can you avoid sounding like HAL 9000 when interacting with customers?

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Is Facebook Live Streaming a Way to Boost Your Social Engagement Rates?

Facebook Live

Live streaming isn’t something new. There are several online platforms that allow you to stream a live video, such as YouTube, Livestream, or Twitch.

Last year, live streaming became all the rage when every marketer, small business owners, and regular people discovered Periscope. The platform grew to one million users just ten days after the launch and hit the 10 million users mark at the end of its first year.

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