4 Killer Lead Magnet Ideas that Will Grow Your Email List

Lead Generation

What do you do when you want to boost your lead generation?

Do you test your call to action? Write better copy? Place form fields strategically?

All these are great options that could help you grow your email list. But, there’s one element that has the power to persuade visitors to convert. I’m talking about the lead magnet.

Step back for a moment and ask yourself, what’s the real reason visitors are willing to give you their email addresses? Is it because you have a compelling offer, or the CTA button has the right color? Could be; but more often than not, people give up personal data because they get something in return.

If you don’t have a lead magnet – or don’t have a good one – this article could change your small business’ trajectory. Here are four lead magnet ideas guaranteed to improve your lead generation.

  1. Cheat Sheets

Cheat Sheets

Does the content you’ve created have actionable advice for your target audience? You can take it to the next level by creating a cheat sheet to guide them through the process.

Cheat sheets are a great way to motivate prospects to convert because they provide value to the visitors by simplifying a particular task for them. Imagine that you’ve created a helpful article about how to position your small business as an industry authority. At the end of the article, you could offer some practical help, for instance, a cheat sheet with five steps to authority status. Not only that this lead magnet will trigger their curiosity, but, if it turns out to be helpful, it might convert visitors into loyal subscribers.

  1. Free Trials

Free Trials

Most people can’t resist a free trial. According to Neil Patel, free trials create more signups than other lead magnets like “Money Back Guarantee.” In one experiment, Patel found that twice as many people would sign up for a 7-day free trial compared with the money back guarantee offer.

  1. Guides and Reports

Online Guides and Reports

Guides and reports are one of the simplest ways to boost your lead generation. Of course, to be effective, guides need to be helpful, valuable, and provide relevant educational material to your audience. HubSpot, for instance, releases the State of Inbound Report every year. The guide includes online marketing and sales trends and it’s cited by major media sites all year round. Not only that this valuable report boosts HubSpot position as an authority in the industry, but it also helps acquire information about potential leads.

  1. Coupons

Coupons can be an effective lead magnet idea for two reasons. First of all, they can help you acquire an email list of people who are truly interested in your products. Secondly, it is a great strategy that can be used to drive more sales.

You could offer prospects a 15% discount on their first purchase. Not only that you encourage them to sign up, but also to convert into buyers. Then, you can continue to nurture them with helpful newsletters.

As this list shows, there are many different ways you can persuade prospects to give you their email addresses. With the right lead magnet in place and a strong funnel to support it, your small business can become a lead generating machine.

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