Nobody loves a blank page. Whether you are trying to write something or you are waiting for an article to load, blank pages are extremely frustrating. That’s why, when Facebook launched Instant Articles last spring, it took the world of both publishers and users by storm.
In short, Instant Articles is a mobile publishing format that lets publishers share their articles to the Facebook’s app that loads as much as ten times faster than the standard one. Facebook first launched the platform only for a few premium publishers, such as The Rolling Stones, BuzzFeed, or The New York Time. But, as of May, the format is available to everyone, including your local business.
Is your small business on social media?
According to recent studies, there are more than two billion active social media users and the average daily time spent on social network increased to 1.72 hours. With data like this, it’s abundantly clear that social media may earn you the biggest returns.
By now, you know that building an engaged community around your small business is key to promoting your products or services successfully. You know that social media is the right place to get a big following of the right people. You also know that it’s the best way to build and maintain relationships with your target audience.
But how do you make it happen.
Have you ever run into a terrible Facebook post and thought, “Gee, I wish there was a dislike button so that I can tell people how much I hate this.”
Well, as you’ve probably heard, planet Facebook is testing different ways for people to express shorthand emotions other than “Like”. The big question now is: will marketers give this idea the thumbs up?
Let’s be honest – everybody wants to boost their social media engagement.
Even if you are saying that you don’t care about likes, shares, comments, and other vanity metrics, you are secretly hoping that your work will be appreciated.
The unfortunate thing is that, no matter how hard you work to create awesome content, your posts have an embarrassing low reach. It’s hard to stay motivated when you realize your social media profiles are located in a sea of cats and selfies.
It’s time for a fun and super-efficient twist to your social media strategy and it’s not exactly what many would think of. At least not at first. Snapchat! With an overwhelming success over the past five years – that doesn’t cease to amaze marketers, Snapchat has already reached the point of more than 100 million daily users! So you better include it in your social media plan because you are up for some great results.
Social media is next to becoming your company’s BFF – that is if it hasn’t already. With so many using social media to connect, to get informed and to reach out, it is essential for your business to use the hidden powers that these platforms hold. The greatest thing about social media? It provides you a way to connect with your prospects and to reach out to many new other potential followers, in a very personalized and genuine way – which is what ultimately attracts people to what you have to offer.
Does it feel like your Facebook Page’s Organic Reach is slowly declining?
You are not alone.
Last year, Facebook announced that they would be reducing the number of promotional Page posts that show up in the news feed to present users only high-quality content.
Who would you rather spend time with?
Not a tough choice, right?
Since the beginning of time, humanity has tried to answer some of the most difficult questions, like is the universe finite or infinite, which came first, the chicken or the egg, and how can brands engage with their social media audience without being pushy?
Social media is a great way to connect with your customers and build lasting relationships with them. But, if you don’t know how to use it, you can end up annoying your fans, and your efforts will translate to nothing.