Smooth Responses to 3 of the Most Common Online Reviews

Online Reviews

Like it or not, online reputation can have a huge impact on business and sales. According to a study by Bright Local, 88% of customers read comments and online reviews to find out if a local business is trustworthy.

No matter the size of your business, people are talking about you. They are leaving comments on your blog, tweeting about your products or posting a Facebook update about their interaction with your brand. Having a good reputation strategy and a proactive approach is vital to any business success.

Here’s how to respond to three of the most common online reviews.

  • Address Negative Reviews Objectively

It’s great when brands try to engage their most loyal fans. But, what happens when things go wrong? Too often small business owners choose to ignore negative reviews or address them in an aggressive or defensive way.

It’s hard to respond criticism objectively. You’ve put your heart and soul into your business so when someone attacks it, it feels very personal. But, it isn’t. The best thing to do when you are faced with negative reviews is to take a second and carefully think about the situation. Maybe you’ve made an honest mistake and you need to do your best to make it right or maybe someone misunderstood something and you need to politely let them know about the confusion.

Be prompt with your response and do your best to help customers. If someone complains about your product on Twitter, a simple “hey, how can we help you” message and a follow up can help you transform an angry customer into an advocate of your brand.

Perhaps even worse than not responding to negative comments is automating your online interactions. If, for example, you go through a reputation crisis and you display the same impersonal message when a certain keyword or phrase comes up, then it’s obvious and your business will suffer.

  • Ask for Clarifications When Reviews Are Inaccurate

Your small business is hardly the first to face this situation and won’t be the last. Businesses, small or big, get all sorts of comments, including some that are inaccurate.

How should you respond?

When this happens, politely ask the unhappy customer for clarifications. After you’ve acknowledged their complaint and made any necessary corrections, try to continue the conversation privately. For example, “We’d like to know more about what happened. Would you mind sending us an email” is a great way to respond to both negative and inaccurate reviews.

  • Turn Approving Reviews Into an Engagement Opportunity

A customer showing love and support for your brand is a valuable asset. Responding and spreading positive reviews is a great way to improve the online reputation of your small business.

Try to respond to approving comments in a constructive way and to spark conversations with your most loyal customers. Lastly, respond in a timely manner, maybe within 24 hours. If you respond to a comment one week after it was posted, you will discourage future interactions.

Every customer is different. Some will fall in love with your product; some will be disappointed by it, and others will whine all the time. Knowing how to approach each one of them is essential for the success of your local business.

How do you respond to the most common online reviews? Share your tips and thoughts in the comment section below.

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