“Who, me? But, I’ve already tried everything, and I can’t get people to stay on my landing page for longer than a few seconds.”
You are not alone in this battle. Marketers are finding it more and more difficult to generate leads. The numbers are really depressing. According to Hubspot.com, 98% of website visitors never come back.
With stakes this high, it’s crucial that your landing page grabs users’ attention and keep them long enough to convert them into leads. But, that’s usually easier said than done. After all, you’ve tried everything: you’ve designed the perfect landing page, you’ve tested your buttons, your headlines, and the copy, and you were extra careful about the photos.
What more can you do?
Well, as it turns out, there are still some tricks you haven’t used yet. By the end of this article, you will learn how to use your landing pages more effectively to generate more leads.
2015 was the year of video marketing – and for good reason. According to Buffer.com, video generates three times as many monthly visitors to a website than other content. Visitors spend around 88% more time on a website that features video. More than that, consumers are 46% more likely to seek information about a product after seeing a video.
So, why aren’t you taking advantage of the power of video marketing on your landing page? Just think about it, if you have a complex product or service, it can be hard to deliver everything within a short landing page. A video gives you the opportunity to explain better, your product and it’s benefits.
If you choose to include video on your landing page, make sure it’s the most prominent feature on the page. Sure, you can include text as well, but the video is the element that needs to stand out. Otherwise, it might just get lost in a sea of content and buttons. And that would be a terrible waste of time and resources.
Another important thing you need to take into consideration is quality. Videos have come a long way in recent years, and users expect high-quality footage. In other words, you need to make sure the lighting is good, the image is sharp, and there are no background noises.
However, no matter how sharp your video looks, if the content is dull, nobody will bother watching it. So, make sure to create a compelling story. Keep it short and compelling – no more than 2 minutes – and find an engaging way to introduce your product and explain its benefits.
Here’s the hard truth: people don’t care about your products; they want something that can help them solve a problem fast and cheap, if possible.
So, if until now you’ve been focusing on highlighting your product’s features and benefits, maybe it’s time to change your approach. The reason is simple: your prospects already know what they are looking for.
Here’s an example. Imagine a prospect knows they need an affordable dining table. Instead of focusing on your table’s features, such as the quality of the wood, the size, the design, and so on, just state the obvious:
“Affordable dining tables for any home.”
Your visitor is hooked instantly.
Below the headline, you can add information about the product’s best features. Maybe your table is made from a special type of wood that your prospects might appreciate. The key here is to present the problem your customer might be having before introducing your products as the solution.
Do you know why most landing pages are ineffective? It’s because you are targeting cold traffic. Landing pages must be optimized for every step of your sales funnel.
Here’s the thing. Visitors don’t always convert, and that’s OK. Do you know why? That is because they are not at the right point in the buying cycle. In other words, they are not ready to take action.
That is why it’s important to create landing pages for every stage of the sales funnel – to target different audience groups in their buying process. Here’s how:
Awareness: Your target audience became aware that they have a problem or need that must be fulfilled. Create a landing page that introduces the product to people who have never heard about your business before.
Evaluation: They are considering various places that can help them fulfill that need and they evaluate the best and safest decision. Create a landing page that allows them to get more information about your products.
Conversion: They made a decision and are ready to make a purchase. Make it easy for your visitor to give you their email addresses or to buy your product. Remove other distractions, like social media button, useless opt-in forms, and so on. All you want is for your prospects to convert.
Just because your product isn’t fully developed, it doesn’t mean you can’t promote it. But, here’s the catch: you can’t promote a product and send prospects to a sales page that doesn’t exist. So, how can you solve this marketing puzzle?
It’s Simple!
Create a “coming soon” landing page.
According to Neil Patel, you can use this type of landing page to get people interested in your products and to tease them by giving them bits of info about the product’s features and benefits. More than that, if it turns out that people aren’t that interested in your product, you can save lots of time and resources by changing your approach.
Landing pages can be powerful tools in your online marketing arsenal. But, if you want to turn them into lead generation machines you need to optimize them to their true potential. Hopefully, these tips will help you grab your visitors’ attention and increase your conversion rates.
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