4 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Generate Leads with Social Media

Social Media Listening

Social media is next to becoming your company’s BFF – that is if it hasn’t already. With so many using social media to connect, to get informed and to reach out, it is essential for your business to use the hidden powers that these platforms hold. The greatest thing about social media? It provides you a way to connect with your prospects and to reach out to many new other potential followers, in a very personalized and genuine way – which is what ultimately attracts people to what you have to offer.

Here are four weird and wonderful tips that will teach you how to use social media to generate leads.

  1. Targeted Listening

Social listening is one of the biggest assets social media can bring to your business. Learning how to listen to your prospects, whether they’re talking about your services, your competition or about their needs related to what you have to offer – is huge.

Targeted Social Listening

Pay attention to what people have to say about you by using monitoring online tools such as Mention. Don’t miss any chance to answer critical questions, to offer internal and external resources to your prospects and to recruit new brand advocates. By carefully registering what terms are associated with your business, you could even build a better marketing campaign by crafting a message that resonates well with your audience. It is a great tool for you to better understand your prospects, to more realistically adapt your offer around their needs and to build a connection between them and your business. Remember, keep all conversations light, friendly and generous.

  1. Monitor Customers’ Pain Points

Social listening is also wonderful for discovering what your customers pain points are – or what problems you could be solving for them. With tools such as Google Trends, you can easily identify keywords that your potential customers could be researching on.

Join conversations on pain points and provide valuable insights and answers to those asking. Remember to focus on the individual and their problem, and do not turn your communication into an over sales-y one. Your main interest is to reach out to new potential customers that could identify you as an expert in your field.

  1. Identify Opportunities for Relationship Building

Relationship Building

Keep your ears wide open for every opportunity to build customer relationships. Look for groups or chats discussing topics related to your business and interact with them on a very friendly and person-driven note. Again, it is not about making a sale, but about building relationships. Provide valuable information and resources and those will be your best sales strategy. You can now and then mention your services or products as long as it is relevant to the discussion and not overtaking it.

  1. Spread the love

Social media is great for showing generosity and consideration for your customers. Spreading the love will bring you many benefits – people love businesses who can just give something without asking in return.

Consider offering a free webinar to your followers on one of those highly interesting subjects they’ve been discussing on social media. Or even crazier – go for an online contest where winners will receive an extended free trial or a free upgrade of your services. Make it fun and exciting, so that other people might become interested too and before you know it, your brand will be in everybody’s minds.

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