You may not realize this, but people fully automate most aspects of their lives. Take your wardrobe as an example. You probably have a system put in place that shaves a few extra minutes off your mornings. Automation is a great way to scratch an itch.
The same holds true for automating a small business marketing. If used correctly, automation can help you optimize your marketing programs, adding value to your customers’ life and boosting your business. A recent study showed that 63% of companies that surpass their competitors use marketing automation. More than that, businesses that use automation get up to 53% more conversion rates.
You must look at the sales funnel as a journey. This journey is made up of multiple campaigns that work hand in hand to earn leads and sales for your small business. These campaigns work together to build relationships with your prospects and to turn strangers into friends, friends into customers, and customers into loyal fans.
It sounds overly complicated, right?
Love it or hate it, email marketing is still a powerful tool for business. It informs your leads about new products, services, or deals that are relevant to their needs so that they can move down the sales funnel. Unfortunately, in the era of 8-second attention spans, getting prospects to notice your email, let alone interact with it, is harder than ever.
Picture this: you hop on a flight to an exotic destination, like Thailand. You spend two weeks there soaking up the sun, meeting new people, and discovering awe-inspiring sceneries. While you enjoy the good life, your social media profiles purr smoothly without missing a beat.
How is this possible?
When it comes to building your readers’ loyalty and interest, there is probably not much you wouldn’t do – because let’s face it, it is what makes your work go round. But to truly implement the most efficient ways to do so, you might want to consider the power of marketing automation – your new best friend in Marketing Strategy Town.
Online marketing is such a complex and diverse work that introducing marketing automation tools is a smart way of easing the process and making it more efficient and qualitative. Needless to say – it’s not as easy as just doing it. There’s a time when marketing automation can be of huge help, and there’re times when it might actually be causing you more trouble than anything.
If you’ve thought about automating your marketing, you might feel daunted by the learning curve or price tag associated with many of the automation tools on the market. First we’ll explore some of the “cons”, like time and money investment, and why it can sometimes hold small businesses back from taking steps into automation.
Then we’ll see the “pros” and the power that marketing automation can have in your business.
You have a great product and a steady stream of customers. The problem? Many of your prospects are just sitting dormant in your marketing database.
Lead nurturing isn’t the only marketing automation tactic you can use to get more of your prospects. There are many other ways you can engage existing customers and encourage upsells or additional purchases.
There’s a lot of information out there about online marketing. And, unfortunately, a lot of misinformation. Today I want to help separate the wheat from the chaff and help you start to spot the lies when they come your way.
First we will start with a couple of the top lies, then venture into some considerations to take into account before establishing your marketing automation system.
Q: How many marketers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Three. One to document the process, one to take pictures and post it on social media and one to send emails about the new light bulb.