4 Types of Automation Tools Every Small-Business Owner Should Use

Business Automation Tools

Automation tools are more than today’s hottest buzz phrase. They can streamline the marketing process, enabling any small-business owner to have the strength of an entire marketing team, even as a sole proprietorship. You still have total control over how people are reached, but the individual tools carry out all the duties, so you can be actively marketing, while you’re seeing to all the other needs of your business. There are many automation tools available, and some companies package multiple tools together, so they work seamlessly, and are easy to set up. Here’s a look at the top four types of automation tools you should be using to help grow your small business.

1. Lead Generation Forms

Lead Generation FOrms

The key to any successful marketing scheme is to have a solid database of contact information for people who are interested in your product or service. While you can purchase these lists, you’ll get better results from a list of your own creation. Lead generation forms are basic online forms that people fill out, usually in exchange for something from you. Your enticement could be as simple as a newsletter, tips, discounts, or a whitepaper. You can incorporate lead generation forms on the base pages of your website, and on landing pages (specialty pages designed with a campaign or product in mind), among other places. Many companies automate these forms to make them especially easy to use. Orbtr and HubSpot are a couple, but it’s easy to find alternatives with a quick online search.

2. Email

Drip Email Campaign

Of all the tools available, email automation is probably the most widely-used, and most essential. Email automation can be set to follow up with consumers after they’ve taken an action, and you can set the intervals and content. This is referred to as a “drip campaign” and it allows you to build a relationship with a consumer. Some of the more extensive tools will allow you to target specific groups with a message and monitor who likely is to convert. Mail Chimp and Drip are just two of hundreds that perform this service.

3. Social Media

Social Media Scheduling

Keeping your social media fans engaged requires regular posting, which can be tough to keep up with. Social media automation tools let you set up a queue of posts all at once, so you don’t have to manually post them. HootSuite is one of the better-known ones. The Buffer App works similarly, but lets you queue up content you want to reshare.

4. Tracking


Many of the services listed here offer tracking and analytics, which is essential to know which of your campaigns is successful. When you know what works, you can duplicate it and improve upon it. If your automation tool doesn’t include some type of tracking, Google Analytics can do it free.

There are a ton of companies that handle automation tools, so have a look around online to find the right mix for you. You’ll likely find these four types of automation to be helpful, but once you’ve mastered them, be on the lookout for other tools to make running your small business easier.

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