
Tapping the Emotional: How to Use Facebook’s Reactions to Get More Engagement

Facebook's reactions feature

Your Facebook news feed just got a lot more expressive.

After a year of testing various options, Facebook released their new “Like” button. For the first time, Facebook users can react to a status with more than a thumbs up. The new Reactions button enables users to express themselves with five additional emojis, besides the conventional “like.”

The options include: “love,” “angry,” “sad,” “haha,” and “wow.”

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4 Essential Features that Successful Landing Pages Have in Common

Successful landing pages

What’s the best way to establish trust with a complete stranger?

You don’t know them, and they don’t know you, but you’ve got something to offer, and they are looking. Your relationship is starting from scratch, and you need to spike their interest.

A killer landing page will help establish yourself as a trustworthy small business. But, stellar landing pages don’t happen by accident. Conversion optimization goes deeper than button size, layout, or color.

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Think You Don’t Need Marketing Automation? Think Again! 10 Stats to Prove It Isn’t Just a Fad

10 Stats of Marketing Automation

How can your local business compete with the big boys?

That’s simple. You automate.

You know you should invest in smart tools that can help you turn prospects into customers. You know marketing automation can help you reach out to your prospects effectively, personalize your online marketing efforts and maximize your bottom line. As a small business owner, you’ve probably seen others using automation with great results. And, while you recognize marketing automation’s potential, you might still have some reservation.

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4 SEO Tactics that Can Wreak Havoc To Your Reputation

online reputation facts

Back in 2014, Malaysia Airlines launched a competition in Australia and New Zealand. The purpose of the online marketing campaign was to boost the airline’s image after the tragedies of MH17 and MH370. But, the competition had an odd and inappropriate name: “My Ultimate Bucket List.” The association was grim, considering that 537 people lost their lives flying the airline that year.

Managing online reputation is tricky in the modern era, as companies like Malaysia Airlines, Volkswagen, or SeaWorld prove. That’s why you need to measure every action carefully before launching it into the digital space, including your SEO strategy.

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How to Turn Boring Content into a Lead Generation Machine: 7 Tried-and-True Formulas

Lead Generation

So, you decided that content marketing is the best way to drive more traffic to your website and generate leads. And you are right. According to one study by WeDAM, businesses that blog consistently generate up to 67% more leads than those who do not.

But, here’s the problem: although over 93% of marketers use content marketing, just 42% of them actually see results.

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5 Facebook Post Formulas Guaranteed to Drive Engagement

social engagement

Do you know the main difference between a Facebook post that generates tons of social engagement and one that doesn’t? You might think it’s the story it tells or the hour it’s posted or the offer it makes.

But the answer is much simpler than that.

The difference between a Facebook post that drives social engagement and one that doesn’t is that the first gets read while the later gets ignored.

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8 Simple Tips for a Loyalty-Building Customer Service Experience

customer service experience

Back in 2012, internet user Shane Bennet, a Samsung fan, asked the company for a free smartphone. To charm the company, he also sent them a drawing of a dragon in his offer.

Samsung didn’t send Bennet a phone, but to make him feel good, they’ve included in their message a drawing of a kangaroo riding a unicycle.

The man shared the drawings on social media where they went viral. So, Samsung sent him the smartphone and personalized the case with his dragon artwork.

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5 Scary Marketing Automation Techniques that Are Worth the Risk

Marketing Automation

Do you know what the biggest killer of productivity is?

No, it’s not procrastination.

It’s fear.

Case and point: marketing automation.

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7 Social Media Engagement Metrics to Track If You Want to Grow Your Numbers

Social Media Engagement Metrics

By now, you know that building an engaged community around your small business is key to promoting your products or services successfully. You know that social media is the right place to get a big following of the right people. You also know that it’s the best way to build and maintain relationships with your target audience.

But how do you make it happen.

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How Your Content is Sabotaging Your Lead Generation Strategy

Lead generation for small business

You work tirelessly to set up a lead generation campaign that is sure to appeal to your target audience. You launch in all excitement and can’t wait to see it generating precious leads. You feel confident and happy that you’ve finally got a handle on this whole lead generation game.

Now imagine your surprise when you check your analytics and discover that your sure-to-work campaign generated only a handful of leads.

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