Anyone who ever built a landing page knows all too well that the damn things are hard to optimize. After all, something as simple as the color of your CTA button can make or break your conversion rates.
It would be great if you had a science-backed way to create your landing pages, wouldn’t it?
Well, you’re in luck because WiderFunnel recently released a new report showing the habits of companies that get the best landing page optimization results. After studying data from over 50,000 U.S. and international businesses, WiderFunnel found valuable insights regarding the best practices of successful marketers. They discovered that one practice makes the difference between a landing page that converts and one that doesn’t: tracking the right metrics.
Read on for a sneak peek of the result or check the full report here.
Here are five key metrics for landing pages as shown in the report:
The study found that conversion rate is the most relevant metric when measuring landing page performance. Over 73% of the businesses surveyed said that this metric helps them understand customers’ purchasing cycle and provides a better measurement of their landing page success.
The second most important metric, as cited by 47% of the businesses, is the cost per conversion. It goes without saying that you should know how much you are paying for each converted prospect. According to the study, it doesn’t matter if you have conversions and high value per visit if your costs are so excessive that your net income is zero or negative.
Revenue per conversion was labeled as the third most useful metric, with about 40% of businesses mentioning it. You want to know where your money is going and that you aren’t investing time, effort, and resources without anything to show for. This metric is one of the best ways to tell if your landing page is generating revenues or you need to start tweaking.
The quality of conversions is also important, so remember to factor it in, as well.
Most small business marketers tend to put bounce rate low on the list of the most important metrics. But, according to the study, 32% of businesses said that bounce rate is essential for landing page optimization. Just think about it: if a vast majority of visitors leave your page seconds after landing, something must be wrong. Likewise, if they spend an unnecessary amount of time on your landing page, clicking chaotically and leaving without taking an action, maybe your design is too confusing.
With 26% of businesses claiming that landing page view helps them optimize their landing pages, this is one metric you can’t ignore. However, you need to be careful. Although this metric is valuable for revenue models based on impressions, it might not be relevant to your business goals. To determine your most relevant metrics, think about how you directly generate revenue.
Landing page optimization is a complicated matter. One simple tweak can drastically transform your page. To make sure the change will be positive you need to track the right metrics.
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