Should You Include Snapchat in Your Social Media Strategy? Yes! Here’s Why

Snapchat social engagement

It’s time for a fun and super-efficient twist to your social media strategy and it’s not exactly what many would think of. At least not at first. Snapchat! With an overwhelming success over the past five years – that doesn’t cease to amaze marketers, Snapchat has already reached the point of more than 100 million daily users! So you better include it in your social media plan because you are up for some great results.

Here are the main reasons why you should do so:

  1. Snapchat is Special

As the company’s mission goes, Snapchat is all about creating a very quirky twist to social media and a fun space for users to be in. More specifically, there’s not much room for beauty fixes or for projecting perfect physical appearance, but rather for sharing fun moments. What it does is promote spontaneity and a lot of space for fun.    

It’s one of the biggest reasons why Snapchat will be a great addition to your local business’ success – because of what it offers to its users. Fun, spontaneity and authenticity are all features, customers look up to so everybody is envolved. Make sure you jump in as well.

  1. All the Cool Audience Is There

With such great features to play upon, there’s no wonder Snapchat is full of great users. A lot of them are very young and creative but many other age groups are joining by the second – which makes its growth ever more spectacular.


Associating your small business with these fun and quirky people and getting them onboard is something that will benefit your brand greatly. It’s a great way to reach out to a large and very appealing audience which ultimately means growing and consolidating your brand in ways otherwise harder to reach.

  1. Fun Is the Word for Your Marketing Strategy

The greatest part about Snapchat is that it allows you the space to create a fun marketing strategy for your local business – that you wouldn’t be able to on other social media channels, at least not with the same impressive results. You can upload spontaneous and hilarious pictures with some of your “backstage” processes to make users feel they’re part of the family – the fun, engaging family that it is. With the 10 seconds live expectancy for your pictures, it’s the perfect outlet to let yourself show imperfections and thus be perceived as more human and real. Remember, people will always pick brands that show authenticity, even if that means a bit less than perfection because they relate to that.

  1. Snapchat-ing Live Events

Another great Snapchat feature? Covering live events! If you’re second guessing this just think about it: if you knew something that sounds promising and entertaining will only be featured for a few seconds, wouldn’t you be expecting it with more excitement? It’s this sense of excitement and of fun that makes users love live event updates on Snapchat.

Of course, there are many more great reasons why using Snapchat will bring great benefits to your small business. But maybe you should just let some of them surprise you unexpectedly – just like a snap does.

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