5 Quick and Easy Marketing Automation Recipes for Better Lead Nurturing

Marketing automation cycle.

When it comes to building your readers’ loyalty and interest, there is probably not much you wouldn’t do – because let’s face it, it is what makes your work go round. But to truly implement the most efficient ways to do so, you might want to consider the power of marketing automation – your new best friend in Marketing Strategy Town.

Marketing automation is a hit for most businesses out there since it allows to save up on many resources that could be used in improving other business development areas. As amazing as automation might be, there still is a certain way to do it, because the downside of not using it properly is that you might ultimately alienate your readers. Nobody enjoys those rigid, automated emails that usually end up in the spam box. So instead of just jumping in with it carelessly, try instead following these five quick and easy marketing automation recipes gathered here for you:

  1. Nurture Subscribers into Leads

It is not rocket science to know that new subscribers do not automatically and immediately become real customers. Even if they did show interest, it remains a passive one that pretty much says it shouldn’t be intruded upon.

effective lead nurturing

It is crucial to understand what your subscribers needs are and thus approach them accordingly. There is a gradual way of winning that loyalty and transforming it into leads, so patience and strategic planning is required. Buckle up!

The number one tip on how to nurture your subscribers into leads? Opt for sending follow-up e-mails that are focused on providing valuable content, with the aim of getting a second content conversion on your website.

This first quick recipe goes as follows: you get to send new subscribers two e-mails. Once a visitor becomes a subscriber, you automatically email them one of your best lead gen content. Choose something as educational and informative as possible, and leave out the sales-driven materials. You want to be as generous as possible but still get more information on your subscribers by gating the content behind a form asking for their interests and other valuable details about them.

If this first round of emailing has not turned into a lead, step two will be to wait for another week and send a second follow-up email – this time, with a different content offer to see if this one instead really does touch your subscribers’ interests. If, after you send these two automated e-mails there is no conversion, it mostly means your subscriber can be added to the low engagement list.  

  1. Give Proper Nurturing to Your Leads

This recipe is to be “cooked” when a subscriber converts on a lead-capture form. Starting with what topic grabbed your subscriber’s interest in their first conversion, you can send them a follow-up email on a similar topic, which will prepare the grounds for the second one. You should wait approximately one week before doing so and then move on to sending the second follow-up email. And, this time, focus on presenting what your company does, what your assets are.

automated email campaigns

If, after this cycle, your lead converts into a marketing qualified lead, you can move on to passing your lead to the sales department by using marketing automation to notify them. It is only at this point that a lead is up for hearing from your sales team and possibly converting into a customer – not earlier on.

  1. Nurture Your Customers

The third recipe aims at helping those converted into customers get the most out of your services. The first step is to immediately send them a thank-you email after their first purchase – be sure to make it sound as personal and warm as possible, as it will leave a long lasting impression on your customers and influence them into further purchasing.

The next step in nurturing your customers is to come back with a second e-mail, two weeks after the purchase. This time, you will be offering resources related to the purchase and at the same time, you will ask for feedback from your customer related to their experience with the services or products acquired.

  1. Believers’ Recipe

This one requires you having some very special ingredients: evangelists. They’re the customers who are regularly coming back to your website, constantly consuming your content and most importantly, voluntarily promoting and sharing your offers and recommending your services and your content to friends and family.

They are, indeed, a very precious resource you have as they represent the ultimate goal of your marketing strategies: transforming as many individuals, through the stages of conversion, into a loyal and strong believer of your services – an Evangelist. They should thus be given special attention as they can bring many benefits to your business and your lead generation strategy.

Start with making a list of all your followers who have been actively clicking on your social shares and who have, at the same time, considerable reach on their own– it can be individuals with a minimum amount of followers on social media.

Create a personalized automation strategy to make them feel included each and every time you launch a new product – why not even ask for their valuable feedback by sending them sneak previews of your upcoming releases? Send them e-mails to encourage them to share some of your most successful content – you could even include special little somethings for them, such as a thank-you voucher for their loyalty. Ultimately, invite them to exclusive events where they can feel included, where they can meet and interact with the team behind the business they love, and they will most definitely spread the word about how great your company is.

  1. Thank Followers with Personalized Tweets

Thanks tweets

On this same note of making your followers feel special, try giving special attention to your followers. Nothing says “You matter to me” than a personalized thank-you tweet to them after having followed you. It makes them feel special, and it gives them a sense of connection with your business, which will ultimately translate into a much easier increase of interest and loyalty.

These five simple recipes are meant to upgrade your communication with your followers to a more relevant, effective and thoughtful level so that they feel as special and looked after as they should feel – and you will reap the benefits earlier than expected.

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