How Your Online Reputation And Social Media Go Hand In Hand

Online Reputation and Social Media

Social Media presents an effective platform for you to manage your company’s online reputation. The reason is simple. So many people use social media and frequently visit it that when you reach out on social media with information that enhances your company’s reputation you have a high likelihood of your message reaching your target audience.

The flip side is also an advantage. Since many of your customers will be using social media if anyone mentions your business in a positive way that message likely reaches others in your target audience. On the other hand if anyone mentions something negative you have an opportunity to quickly engage in a dialogue and represent that your company has an interest in truly meeting the customer’s needs. That can turn a negative into a positive in the prospect’s mind very quickly.

Here is a look at some effective ways to use Facebook to protect and improve your company’s reputation.

Facebook. Facebook. Facebook.

In real estate it’s all about “location, location, location.” To manage your business’ online reputation, Warren Cardinal of Lucid Crew Web Design in Austin Texas recommends for you to focus most efforts on your company’s Facebook.

Currently, Facebook has over 1.44 billion active viewers per month. Your target marketing audience is in there somewhere and consumers are on it like white on rice. Besides, it’s still a free venue. What’s not to like?

If you’re short on ideas on how to run your Facebook page for maximum reputation enhancement and marketing, just take a look at some sterling examples, such as Ben and Jerry’s page — which is full of mouth-watering graphics of their product and frequent announcements of “Free Ice Cream Day” giveaways.

For online fashion outlets there’s Jimmy Jazz, which features a page bursting with trending fashion news and blogs, plus Jimmy Jazz runs frequent contests to give away 100 gift cards. There’s no shortage of good ideas on Facebook for boosting your online business reputation — and the best part is almost none of them are copyrighted, so you can borrow them freely.
– via The Huffington Post

Know What is Being Said About Your Company

You want to know when people are talking about your company online. The only way you can capitalize on the positive and minimize the negative is if you know what is being said. So how do you follow that when you have a business to run and customers coming thru your door to assist?

There are tools to help you automate the process of following and managing your online reputation. Here are some tips as you approach the automation of your online reputation management.

Decide what you want to track

What are the primary ‘keywords’ relating to your company that you want to track in online conversations? These are likely to include:

Company name
Company website address
Names of products
Names of senior employees and Directors
Names of close competitors
Common expressions – e.g. “[Company] is rubbish”, “company is great”

Set up your alerts and searches

You then need to run regular searches, or better still, set up alerts or RSS feeds that notify you when your keywords are mentioned. This works best when you have an RSS reader or homepage where you can aggregate all of this information, to make it easier to read and review.

Set up your own social media accounts

When you’re alerted to a comment about your company, you need to be in a position to respond quickly. The beauty of many of the paid monitoring services is that they provide both the interface (homepage) for your feeds and the ability to respond directly to comments from that same interface. If you’re doing it for free, you need to set up accounts on all the key social media platforms, including: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and any industry-specific or consumer forums where people are likely to talk about your company.
– via

Has your company established itself in social media yet? How do you manage your reputation?

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