November 19, 2015 By Jeff Price No comments yet
Probably a lot of them! And that’s exactly why it pays to be engaged in social media marketing online – even if your store is a small brick and mortar operation. Let’s take a look at how going social can increase your local exposure and bring more buyers your way! Here is just one idea.
Use Twitter Cards
Twitter cards allow you to attach photos, videos, and media to your tweets, helping you to drive more traffic to your website. All you have to do is add a few lines of HTML to your website, and when users tweet links to your content, it will have a card added to the tweet that is visible to their Twitter followers. It’s a great way to add a new feature to your tweets and increase engagement because your messages will stand out in the Twitter feed.
There are a number of different types of Twitter cards that you can use as part of your social media strategy. Two of the most popular are
The Summary Card and The Photo Card:
The Summary Card
“If your business has a blog or any page devoted solely to information, then you need the summary card. The summary card lets you include the title, description, a thumbnail image and Twitter handle attributions for a page,” says Kristi Hines on Social Media Examiner.
The Photo Card
This is a great tool for any business that wants to highlight graphical elements.The card features an image, description, title, and Twitter handle.
The benefits of using Twitter cards are simple:
It increases your visibility.
It helps your tweets rise above the noise of Twitter feeds.
When users share your content, the Twitter card links the content to your Twitter page.
It provides users with more information than traditional 140 character messages.
New analytics to track impressions, retweets, and URL clicks.
– via LoginRadius
In today’s online market, it’s not enough to just exist online. You’ve got to spur engagement from your customers as well! Starting and maintaining a dialogue with your customers online can result in a major boost in sales.
If you want feet walking through your door in person, you’ve got to get eyes on your virtual presence online – and keep them there with things that interest them! Here are a few ways to get the conversation flowing between you and your customers on social media.
Listen in to the conversation
Social media engagement is a two-way street. The conversation starts with you listening to what your audience is saying. With all the free social media monitoring tools out there, there’s no excuse for not monitoring what the audience is saying about your brand.
You can use tools like Google Alerts, Social Mention, Talkwalker, Topsy, Brand24 and others to monitor where your brand or products are being mentioned, where your website links are being shared, and what kind of sentiment surrounds the conversations about your company and products.
Create exceptional blog content
The time when you could write up a 500 word article, post it on your blog and get a decent amount of shares and comments is long gone. According to AOL/Nielsen, 27 million pieces of content are shared each day. With such a glut of online content creation and sharing, you need to get your content to stand out from the clutter?
Some examples of bloggers that do this really well are Neil Patel and Brian Dean. Brian Dean’s Google 200 Ranking Factors is a brilliant example of creating content that is the best in its category.
Create stunning images
It’s the age of the visual web. Today visual content is the most engaging form of content online. Research says that using images can result in an 85% interaction rate on Facebook and increased retweets by 35% on Twitter.
But your images can’t just be any old run-of-the-mill kind of content. They need to be stunning, attractive or tell a story and give your audience a reason to stop their scrolling and engage with them. has some very useful tips on the types of visuals that can boost your social media engagement.
– via Business 2 Community
What are you doing online to boost exposure with your local customers?
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